
Buying 商业地产 | 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所

购买商业物业 in 迈阿密

Buying commercial real estate in Florida is not like purchasing a new family home. 成本更高, 资金更难获得, and to top it off if you need tenants, you will have to cover the expenses of marketing, 识别, 获得新的租约. 为一项新的投资努力或新业务购买商业地产是有益的,如果这个过程是战略性的,并且符合国家的规定,它可以带来相当大的利润, 城市, 以及当地法律.

At The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密戴德的商业房地产律师处理商业地产交易从头到尾. 竞技宝体育竞猜将讨论您的目标是什么,帮助您找到合适的房产,谈判合同,等等. 联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 预约免费电话咨询,并了解更多有关竞技宝体育竞猜商业地产的服务.

Types of 商业地产 in Florida

商业地产(CRE)是指用于商业用途而非住宅用途的财产. A CRE can be a mom-and-pop store or a huge shopping mall and includes restaurants, 酒店, 办公空间, 医院, 还有医生的办公室. CRE is generally broken down into five distinct categories: industrial use, 多户型租金, 办公空间, 热情好客, 和零售. 

  1. 工业用. Industrial use properties consist of businesses that make and store goods, like manufacturing facilities and storage warehouses.

  2. 多户型租金. 多户出租房通常是由多个小单元组成的大型物业,供家庭出租居住作为主要住所. 它们可以很小,只容纳几个家庭,也可以很大,容纳数百个家庭. 

  3. 办公空间. Office space is another type of CRE often considered to be the most high-risk. 这些房产通常根据其条件和位置分为三个不同的类别:A类为最高质量的建筑, Class B for older but still high-quality buildings, and Class C for older buildings in deep need of maintenance and care.

  4. 热情好客. 热情好客 properties are meant for travelers and include 酒店, 娱乐网站, 或者餐厅.

  5. 零售. 零售 properties include small stores, strip malls, and restaurants. 

商业地产 Purchasing Process in Florida

如果处理得当,购买商业地产可以证明是一项有价值的投资. There are various steps to purchasing a CRE, though the exact process may vary depending on the jurisdiction.


The first order of business is to locate the property to be purchased. 虽然这似乎是一项简单的任务,但有许多事情必须考虑,包括:

  • 该物业的历史及是否有潜力提供稳定的收入来源

  • 属性的位置,以及该位置是否需要这种类型的CRE

  • 为使该财产达到预定用途而必须对其做的任何工作


Decide on the Initial Offer Price

The property will definitely have an asking price, 但买家必须做足功课,确保一开始报价不会太高. 行业中有不同的方法,但最流行的两种方法是:

  • Income Capitalization Approach: 这种方法需要将物业租金的净营业收入(NOI)除以资本化率. 

  • 成本法: 这种方法需要考虑从头开始构建CRE的成本. The cost of the land combined with the cost of construction, 较少的折旧, will yield the cost approach value.

根据所购买的商业地产,可能有其他方法计算要约价格. As your commercial real estate attorney in Florida, we will look at all options to identify the best offer price.


买卖协议包含买卖的所有条款,并应包括买卖双方商定的一切. At The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜会协商, 草案, 审查, 对这些协议进行分析,确保它们符合你的需求,没有可能对你或你的财产产生负面影响的隐藏语言. 


Securing financing for the property can be a complicated task, but due diligence must be performed to ensure the best terms are found. You should compare several lenders before settling on one. 你想知道利率是多少,费用是多少,是否有罚款. 商业物业融资方案可用于不同目的,包括:

  • 长期贷款

  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loans

  • 过桥贷款

  • 硬钱贷款(这是最后的手段,但在某些情况下可能有用)

在大多数情况下, 该综合商业地产的买家须缴付首付款为楼价的20-40%,并为余下的楼价提供融资. 


一旦协议的所有条款达成一致并获得融资, the purchaser can move forward with buying the property. 其他重要事项, such as a title search and execution of the documents, must take place before the keys are actually exchanged. 一旦购买完成,买家就可以推进他们的CRE计划.  

Factors to Consider before Purchasing Commercial Property

Before purchasing a CRE, there are various questions to consider, including:

  • Will this property suit the needs of the investors long term?

  • How hands-on are the investors willing to be in the CRE?

  • How will local demographics impact this type of CRE's success?

  • What are the zoning laws of the area where the CRE is located?

还有其他因素, 这就是为什么在购买过程中聘请专业人士提供法律和专业指导是一个好主意吗.

Commercial Property for Investment Purposes

If you are purchasing commercial property for investment purposes, 在这类投资中,有几种不同的策略可以证明是有益的. Some of the most common real estate investment strategies include:

  • 土地银行, 这需要你购买并持有土地,通常用来保护和增加投资者的资金.

  • 发展这可能是最常见的,投资者在这里购买未开发的土地进行建设.

  • 固定和翻转, 这是一种由真人秀节目推广的策略,在购买房产时使用, 翻新, 然后转卖获利.

  • Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat (brrrrr), 哪一种方式可以通过倒卖出租给租户的房产来享受被动收入.

  • 批发, 哪一项涉及以低于市价的价格从物业卖方购买合约,然后转售或转让给有兴趣的买家.

  • 被动投资, 你不想参与房地产,所以你只是通过与积极投资者的合作伙伴关系将资金投入房地产, 集资”, 或者股票市场.

If you have not yet decided on how you wish to invest in commercial property, at The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, P.A, we can help you determine a strategy most suitable for your goals. Each strategy involves different roles, 责任, 和需求, and so each should be carefully considered.

As a commercial property purchaser, 您必须了解您所在司法管辖区的披露要求,并确保您从卖方处获得准确的信息. You should also inspect the premises. 如果你生活在一个对商业地产不像对住宅地产那样严格监管的州,所有这些都是至关重要的. 

Contact a 商业地产 Attorney in 迈阿密-Dade Today

Buying commercial property is not simple, but it is profitable – much more profitable than residential properties, plus your money is secured to something physical helping protect it. At The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, P.A, our real estate attorney will guide you through any commercial property purchase, making sure the transaction goes smoothly. Contact us by filling out the online form or calling us at 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询,并了解更多有关房地产投资的信息.


竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach


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